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Showing posts from October, 2019

What to do, what to see on a trip to Qatar

A trip to Qatar is not a trip like the others. The richest country in the world (according to the IMF's 2018 ranking) fascinates as much as it repels. Within a handful of decades, this small peninsula in the Persian Gulf has shifted from a modest fisheries-based economy and pearl oysters to one of the world's leading exporters of liquid gas. An exponential boom almost worthy of a science fiction story, in which an ultra-modern and wealthy country suddenly emerged from the desert. But this rapid development has not been smooth. Today, Qatar is accused of some of the worst ills on the planet, such as slavery, oppressing women, financing terrorism or polluting excessively ... The reality is, however, much more complex than the hasty condemnations would have us believe. On a personal level, I am always wary of these peremptory judgments that sort out the "kind" countries that one would have the right to visit and the "bad" countries that should be boycotted. T